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Smoking Marijuana Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for Social Sessions

Smoking Marijuana Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for Social Sessions

Smoking Marijuana Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for Social Sessions 

As marijuana use becomes more socially acceptable with the rise of legalization in many areas, it's increasingly common to find yourself at social gatherings where cannabis is being shared. Just like any other group activity, smoking marijuana in a social setting comes with its own set of unwritten rules to ensure that everyone has a good time. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a newcomer, knowing proper marijuana etiquette is key to making sure you’re respectful and considerate of others. This article will guide you through the dos and don'ts of smoking marijuana in social settings.

Know the Laws Before You Smoke

Before lighting up in a social session, it’s crucial to be aware of local laws regarding marijuana use. In many places, marijuana is only legal for adults over a certain age (often 21), and there may be restrictions on where you can consume it, even in private gatherings. Some states or countries may still have harsh penalties for public use or for possessing amounts above the legal limit. Respect your area's laws to ensure everyone stays safe and compliant. Always check whether you're in a place where it's legal to smoke, and make sure all participants are aware of these restrictions.

 Bring Your Supply

In a social smoking session, it’s considered good etiquette to bring your cannabis if possible. This shows that you’re contributing and ensures everyone has enough. While sharing what you have is often acceptable, particularly in close-knit groups, offering some of your stash in return is always polite. If you're new to smoking and don’t have anything to bring, that's okay—just be upfront about it, and don't expect to indulge without giving back in some way, such as offering snacks or drinks. 

Ask Before Lighting Up

Never assume it’s okay to start smoking just because others are around. Always ask the group, or at least the host, for permission before lighting up. This is especially important in mixed groups, where some people may not want to be exposed to secondhand smoke or might prefer not to smoke for personal reasons. A simple, polite question like “Is it cool if I light this up?” goes a long way in showing respect for everyone’s comfort and boundaries.

Don’t Assume Everyone Wants to Smoke

Not everyone at a social gathering may be interested in smoking marijuana. Some people may abstain for personal, health, or legal reasons. It’s important to be respectful of their choice and never pressure anyone into smoking. Offering is fine, but if someone declines, accept their decision without making much of it. Creating a comfortable and non-judgmental atmosphere ensures everyone enjoys the gathering. 

Puff, Puff, Pass: The Unwritten Rule

One of the most well-known rules of smoking marijuana in a group is "puff, puff, pass." This means that after taking two hits (or puffs), you pass the joint, pipe, or vape to the next person in line. This keeps the session flowing smoothly and ensures that everyone gets a turn. Holding onto the joint for too long, or "bogarting," as commonly called, disrupts the rotation and can be frustrating for others waiting their turn.

Keep the Circle Tight

In a social smoking session, it’s important to include everyone who wants to participate. Establish the circle so no one feels left out. If someone new joins the group, be mindful to bring them into the circle and offer them a turn. Similarly, politely let the group know if someone needs to leave and adjust the rotation accordingly. Being inclusive keeps the atmosphere friendly and enjoyable for everyone.

Avoid Wet-Lipping

Wet-lipping happens when someone gets saliva on the joint, pipe, or vape while smoking, making it unpleasant for the next person. This is considered poor etiquette. To avoid wet-lipping, be mindful of how you hold and inhale from the joint. If you’re using a pipe or vape, try not to press your lips too tightly against the mouthpiece. If you accidentally wet-lip, it’s polite to mention it and offer to wipe it down or pass it to the next person without expecting them to use it in that state.

Be Mindful of Smoke Direction

When exhaling, always be aware of where your smoke is going. Blowing smoke directly into someone’s face is uncomfortable and can ruin the vibe. Be conscious of wind direction or the space you're in, and angle your exhale away from others. Being considerate of those around you, especially non-smokers or those who may be sensitive to the smoke, makes for a much more pleasant session for everyone.

Don’t Hog the Weed

One of the quickest ways to disrupt a social smoking session is by hogging the weed. It’s important to be mindful of your turns and pass the joint, pipe, or vape in a timely manner. Taking too many hits before passing or holding onto it for too long while talking can cause frustration. The “puff, puff, pass” rule helps prevent this, but ultimately, it's about being considerate and sharing fairly with the group.

Offer Snacks and Water

Providing snacks and water is a considerate gesture during a smoking session, as marijuana can often lead to dry mouth (or "cottonmouth") and munchies. Having an assortment of snacks and drinks ready to share shows thoughtfulness and enhances the experience for everyone. Popular options include chips, fruit, and non-alcoholic beverages like water or soda. Offering refreshments ensures that everyone stays comfortable and hydrated throughout the session.

Maintain Cleanliness

Keeping the smoking tools clean is an important aspect of marijuana etiquette. No one enjoys using dirty or grimy equipment, whether a joint, pipe, or bong. If you're the host, ensure pipes and bongs are cleaned regularly and that there are enough supplies (like rolling papers or filters) for the group. Additionally, cleaning up after the session—disposing of ash, roaches, and other remnants—signifies respect for the space and the people you're with.

Be Prepared for the Aftermath

Sometimes, someone in the group might get too high. If that happens, it’s important to be supportive and understanding. Offer them water, a comfortable place to sit, or a snack to help ease the effects. Avoid making them feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. If needed, suggest they take a break from smoking and remind them it’s okay to sit out the next round. Creating a relaxed, non-judgmental environment ensures everyone feels safe, even if they’ve had too much. 

No Pressure or Judgement

One of the golden rules of marijuana etiquette is never to pressure anyone to smoke more than they want. People have different tolerance levels, and it’s essential to respect that. Whether someone takes only a small hit or chooses to sit out altogether, it’s important not to push them or make them uncomfortable. Let everyone go at their own pace, and avoid judging anyone for how much or how little they smoke. 

Respect the Host’s Rules

If you smoke at someone else’s place, always respect the host's rules. They may have preferences about where smoking is allowed (e.g., outside only or in designated rooms) or may set limits on the duration of the session. It's polite to follow these guidelines without question. Also, clean up after yourself, whether that means disposing of ash, emptying ashtrays, or wiping down surfaces. Being a respectful guest ensures you’ll be welcome back for future sessions.

Disposing of Leftovers and Ash Responsibly

After the session, it’s important to clean up properly. Dispose of roaches, ashes, and other remnants of the session responsibly. Leaving trash or debris for someone else to clean up is considered disrespectful. If you’re at someone’s home, ask where the ashtray or trash can is and ensure everything is tidied up before leaving. This simple gesture shows consideration for the host and the space.


Marijuana can enhance social experiences, but it’s important to be mindful of etiquette to ensure that everyone has a good time. Following the dos and don'ts of smoking marijuana in a group setting, such as respecting the laws, sharing fairly, and being considerate of others, helps maintain a positive and respectful environment. Practicing good etiquette ensures the session's enjoyment and builds trust and respect among your fellow smokers. Remember, it’s not just about the high—it's about the shared experience.



  1. What is the "puff, puff, pass" rule in marijuana smoking sessions?

The "puff, puff, pass" rule means taking two hits of the joint, pipe, or vape before passing it to the next person. This ensures that everyone gets a turn and keeps the session moving smoothly. 

2. What should I do if I don’t have marijuana to contribute in a group session?

If you're new or don’t have marijuana to share, it’s okay. Just be upfront about it and consider contributing in other ways, such as offering snacks and drinks or helping with rolling.

3. How can I help someone who has smoked too much and is uncomfortable?

Offer them water, snacks, and a comfortable place to relax. Encourage them to take deep breaths and let them know it’s okay to sit out the next round. Being supportive and non-judgmental is key.

4. How do I handle wet-lipping during a session?

If you accidentally wet-lip a joint or pipe, politely mention it to the group and offer to wipe it down before passing it along. Being upfront avoids making others uncomfortable.

5. What are some good snacks to offer during a smoking session?

Snacks like chips, fruit, and sweets are popular choices, as well as drinks like water or soda to help with dry mouth. Having a variety ensures that everyone can find something they like.

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